Aldrich – Employee Orientation – Site Specific This field is hidden when viewing the formEmployee ID Employee Orientation Check List – Safety Tab 16G Employee Name First Last Date of Hire MM slash DD slash YYYY CompanyProjectThis Check list is a guideline for conducting employee safety orientations for employees new to this Aldrich + Associates’ project. Once signed by both the Safety Representative and the Employee, it serves as documentation that the orientation has taken place.Place a check in the box to indicate that the subject was discussed:Explain the company safety program including: Overview of the Site Specific Safety Manual Safety Meetings Safety Committees (if required) Substance Abuse Policy Review General Safety Rules Disciplinary Procedures – Serious consequences for horseplay / Fighting / Drug & Alcohol Use. – Smoking Policy – Good Housekeeping PracticesDiscuss Personal Protective Equipment Required Proper attire Hard Hats and Safety Glasses Orange Vests or Bright Colored Clothing Lines of Communication and Responsibility for Immediately Reporting Accidents When to report an injury To whom an injury should be reported Filing of accident report forms First Aid Supplies, Equipment and Training Location of all First Aid Stations Obtaining Treatment Proper Lifting Techniques Proper Lifting Techniques DescriptionBy placing a signature below, the employee acknowledges that they will abide by the Guidelines contained within the Site Specific Safety Plan and report any condition or activity perceived to be unsafe to my immediate supervisor or the Site Safety Representative.Employee Signature:Safety Supervisor Signature:Date MM slash DD slash YYYY