Unchecked boxes=Not applicable
Photo for Written Safety and Hazard Communication programs (APP and SDS binders)
Comments/Action required notes for Written Safety and Hazard Communication programs (APP and SDS binders)
Photo for Required postings OSHA L & I, Emergency Numbers, Worker’s Comp, Code of Safe Practices, COVID 19, ETC.
Comments/Action required notes for Required postings OSHA L & I, Emergency Numbers, Worker’s Comp, Code of Safe Practices, COVID 19, ETC.
Photo for Adequate toilets/ washing facilities
Comments/Action required notes for Adequate toilets/ washing facilities
Photo for Record of Safety Meetings and Safety Inspections
Comments/Action required notes for Record of Safety Meetings and Safety Inspections
Photo for Hot/Cold stress to workers with proper access to water (H2O)
Comments/Action required notes for Hot/Cold stress to workers with proper access to water (H2O)
Photo for Adequate lighting in work and walkways
Comments/Action required notes for Adequate lighting in work and walkways
Photo for Hard hats, vest, and safety glasses being used as needed or 100% of the time
Comments/Action required notes for Hard hats, vest, and safety glasses being used as needed or 100% of the time
Photo for Hearing, face protection, along with respirators, being used when needed and workers medically cleared
Comments/Action required notes for Hearing, face protection, along with respirators, being used when needed and workers medically cleared
Photo for Employees aware of emergency procedures
Comments/Action required notes for Employees aware of emergency procedures
Photo for First Aid kit on site- stocked and accessible
Comments/Action required notes for First Aid kit on site- stocked and accessible
Photo for First aid personnel on site and identified
Comments/Action required notes for First aid personnel on site and identified
Photo for Proper work shoes being worn
Comments/Action required notes for Proper work shoes being worn
Photo for Competent person on site
Comments/Action required notes for Competent person on site
Photo for Collapse protection for all employees in excavation over 4ft. deep WA /5 ft. Fed
Comments/Action required notes for Collapse protection for all employees in excavation over 4ft. deep WA /5 ft. Fed
Photo for Collapse protection for No confined space issues with atmosphere
Comments/Action required notes for No confined space issues with atmosphere
Photo for Collapse protection for Underground utilities located and lines maintained
Comments/Action required notes for Underground utilities located and lines maintained
Photo for Collapse protection for Spoils and surcharges at least 2 feet from edge
Comments/Action required notes for Spoils and surcharges at least 2 feet from edge
Photo for Collapse protection for Seatbelts being worn while in equipment
Comments/Action required notes for Seatbelts being worn while in equipment
Photo for Collapse protection for Proper walkway over trench (18 inches wide)
Comments/Action required notes for Proper walkway over trench (18 inches wide)
Photo for Collapse protection for Competent person on site and scaffold signed off each day of use
Comments/Action required notes for Competent person on site and scaffold signed off each day of use
Photo for Collapse protection for Plumb and level and fully braced
Comments/Action required notes for Plumb and level and fully braced
Photo for Collapse protection for Scaffold grade planking and fully planked
Comments/Action required notes for Scaffold grade planking and fully planked
Photo for Collapse protection for Fall protection above 7.5 CA feet (10 WA&OR)
Comments/Action required notes for Fall protection above 7.5 CA feet (10 WA&OR)
Photo for Collapse protection for Proper access
Comments/Action required notes for Proper access
Photo for Collapse protection for Falling object protection
Comments/Action required notes for Falling object protection
Photo for Tipping restraint at 4:1 ratio (i.e. attached to structure)
Comments/Action required notes for Tipping restraint at 4:1 ratio (i.e. attached to structure)
Photo for 14 inches or closer to structure (18 or closer for plastering)
Comments/Action required notes for 14 inches or closer to structure (18 or closer for plastering)
Photo for No employees propelling themselves on top of rolling scaffold
Comments/Action required notes for No employees propelling themselves on top of rolling scaffold
Photo for Proper distance from electrical lines (3 feet for v less than 300)
Comments/Action required notes for Proper distance from electrical lines (3 feet for v less than 300)
Photo for Annual and daily inspection log up to date
Comments/Action required notes for Annual and daily inspection log up to date
Photo for Outriggers properly positioned and supported
Comments/Action required notes for Outriggers properly positioned and supported
Photo for Powerline rules followed
Comments/Action required notes for Powerline rules followed
Photo for Pinch points from counterweight guarded
Comments/Action required notes for Pinch points from counterweight guarded
Photo for Slings and rigging inspected daily and tagged
Comments/Action required notes for Slings and rigging inspected daily and tagged
Photo for Operator/ Rigger/ Signal person certification
Comments/Action required notes for Operator/ Rigger/ Signal person certification
Photo for Inspect for damage and service prior to work shift
Comments/Action required notes for Inspect for damage and service prior to work shift
Photo for Excessive weight
Comments/Action required notes for Excessive weight
Photo for All top and mid rails in place
Comments/Action required notes for All top and mid rails in place
Photo for Fall protection used for articulating and reach platforms
Comments/Action required notes for Fall protection used for articulating and reach platforms
Photo for Fall protection used for Climbing on mid or top rail
Comments/Action required notes for Climbing on mid or top rail
Photo for Work area, passageways, and stairs clear of scrap and debris. Removed regularly.
Comments/Action required notes for Work area, passageways, and stairs clear of scrap and debris. Removed regularly.
Photo for Site clean with proper trash receptacles
Comments/Action required notes for Site clean with proper trash receptacles
Photo for Material storage areas kept orderly and free of debris
Comments/Action required notes for Material storage areas kept orderly and free of debris
Photo for Protruding nails in lumber kept cleared from work areas, passageways, and stairs, in and around buildings
Comments/Action required notes for Protruding nails in lumber kept cleared from work areas, passageways, and stairs, in and around buildings
Photo for Tool and Cord in good condition
Comments/Action required notes for Tool and Cord in good condition
Photo for Guards in place
Comments/Action required notes for Guards in place
Photo for Proper extension cord for tool
Comments/Action required notes for Proper extension cord for tool
Photo for Air lines good condition
Comments/Action required notes for Air lines good condition
Photo for Covers over holes and marked “hole” or “cover”
Comments/Action required notes for Covers over holes and marked “hole” or “cover”
Photo for Guardrails 42+ 3 inches midrail and toe boards Deflection less than 3 in. and cable flagged every 6 ft.
Comments/Action required notes for Guardrails 42+ 3 inches midrail and toe boards Deflection less than 3 in. and cable flagged every 6 ft.
Photo for Proper use of harness, lanyard and anchor
Comments/Action required notes for Proper use of harness, lanyard and anchor
Photo for Proper leading edge SRL
Comments/Action required notes for Proper leading edge SRL
Photo for Cover support 200# <12 in. 4x intended load > 12 in.
Comments/Action required notes for Cover support 200# <12 in. 4x intended load > 12 in.
Photo for PFA systems adjusted to keep fall less than 6 feet before arrest begins
Comments/Action required notes for PFA systems adjusted to keep fall less than 6 feet before arrest begins
Photo for Wall openings guarded
Comments/Action required notes for Wall openings guarded
Photo for Fire extinguishers provided at least every 3000 sq. feet of combustibles
Comments/Action required notes for Fire extinguishers provided at least every 3000 sq. feet of combustibles
Photo for Monthly inspection completed
Comments/Action required notes for Monthly inspection completed
Photo for No more than 50 feet from flammable liquid storage
Comments/Action required notes for No more than 50 feet from flammable liquid storage
Photo for Fire extinguisher no more than 75 feet from ordinary combustibles
Comments/Action required notes for Fire extinguisher no more than 75 feet from ordinary combustibles
Photo for No more than 50 feet from hot work
Comments/Action required notes for No more than 50 feet from hot work
Photo for Approved Safety cans in use
Comments/Action required notes for Approved Safety cans in use
Photo for All temporary electrical cords are protected by GFCI or assured grounding program
Comments/Action required notes for All temporary electrical cords are protected by GFCI or assured grounding program
Photo for Cords are properly rated for construction use and protected
Comments/Action required notes for Cords are properly rated for construction use and protected
Photo for Cords are free from damage, have strain relief, and all prongs intact
Comments/Action required notes for Cords are free from damage, have strain relief, and all prongs intact
Photo for Panels are dead faced and contain all blanks where needed
Comments/Action required notes for Panels are dead faced and contain all blanks where needed
Photo for String lights are in good condition and hung properly
Comments/Action required notes for String lights are in good condition and hung properly
Photo for Forklift Operators are trained & certified
Comments/Action required notes for Forklift Operators are trained & certified
Photo for Equipment is being operated w/proper clearances from workers & other equipment
Comments/Action required notes for Equipment is being operated w/proper clearances from workers & other equipment
Photo for Seat belt worn
Comments/Action required notes for Seat belt worn
Photo for Load properly secured on forks
Comments/Action required notes for Load properly secured on forks
Photo for Forklift attended (operator within 25′ and can see lift)
Comments/Action required notes for Forklift attended (operator within 25′ and can see lift)
Photo for Flammable Materials properly stored/labeled
Comments/Action required notes for Flammable Materials properly stored/labeled
Photo for Proper lifting techniques used
Comments/Action required notes for Proper lifting techniques used
Photo for Flagger properly placed on shoulder of road or in closed lane
Comments/Action required notes for Flagger properly placed on shoulder of road or in closed lane
Photo for Warning signs properly spaced
Comments/Action required notes for Warning signs properly spaced
Photo for Channelization devices properly used and spaced
Comments/Action required notes for Channelization devices properly used and spaced
Photo for Vehicle and pedestrian traffic properly controlled
Comments/Action required notes for Vehicle and pedestrian traffic properly controlled
Photo for Proper PPE for flagging worn
Comments/Action required notes for Proper PPE for flagging worn
Photo for Proper PPE and shields used
Comments/Action required notes for Proper PPE and shields used
Photo for Backflow valves on gas lines
Comments/Action required notes for Backflow valves on gas lines
Photo for Separated by 20 feet or ½ hour firewall when stored
Comments/Action required notes for Separated by 20 feet or ½ hour firewall when stored
Photo for Proper handling/labeling and storage of cylinders
Comments/Action required notes for Proper handling/labeling and storage of cylinders
Photo for Fire extinguisher on site and in proper location
Comments/Action required notes for Fire extinguisher on site and in proper location
Photo for Fire watch in place 30 minutes after last hot work
Comments/Action required notes for Fire watch in place 30 minutes after last hot work
Photo for Other workers protected/warned from falling slag
Comments/Action required notes for Other workers protected/warned from falling slag
Photo for Valve protection caps in place when not in use
Comments/Action required notes for Valve protection caps in place when not in use
Photo for No workers standing on top 2 steps of ladder
Comments/Action required notes for No workers standing on top 2 steps of ladder
Photo for Folding step ladders must be open & locked when in use
Comments/Action required notes for Folding step ladders must be open & locked when in use
Photo for Ladders are set up on appropriate surface
Comments/Action required notes for Ladders are set up on appropriate surface
Photo for Straight ladders set up at correct pitch and secured
Comments/Action required notes for Straight ladders set up at correct pitch and secured
Photo for Extend at least 3 ft. above any upper landing level & secured
Comments/Action required notes for Extend at least 3 ft. above any upper landing level & secured
Photo for Free from damage. Broken ladders are tagged out.
Comments/Action required notes for Free from damage. Broken ladders are tagged out.
Photo for Non Conductive ladders near electrical hazards
Comments/Action required notes for Non Conductive ladders near electrical hazards
Photo for Proper protection when using ladders around wall openings
Comments/Action required notes for Proper protection when using ladders around wall openings
Photo for Rebar Capping
Comments/Action required notes for Rebar Capping
Photo for Proper PPP during pour (rubber boots, long sleeves, gloves, eye protection
Comments/Action required notes for Proper PPP during pour (rubber boots, long sleeves, gloves, eye protection
Photo for Controlled access zone
Comments/Action required notes for Controlled access zone
Photo for Proper hoisting/staging area protection- fall
Comments/Action required notes for Proper hoisting/staging area protection- fall
Photo for Silica Dust Controls in place see Table 1
Comments/Action required notes for Silica Dust Controls in place see Table 1
Photo for Lead or Asbestos controls in place with proper signage
Comments/Action required notes for Lead or Asbestos controls in place with proper signage
Photo for Powder actuated tool warning signs in place
Comments/Action required notes for Powder actuated tool warning signs in place
Photo for Lead or Covid-19 rules followed
Comments/Action required notes for Covid-19 rules followed
Photo for permit posted at space and properly filled out
Comments/Action required notes for permit posted at space and properly filled out
Photo for proper fall protection for hazard
Comments/Action required notes for proper fall protection for hazard
Photo for gas detector calibrated, bump tested and active in space
Comments/Action required notes for gas detector calibrated, bump tested and active in space
Photo for Confined space procedures followed
Comments/Action required notes for Confined space procedures followed
Thank you for the opportunity to provide this audit report. If you have any questions, please contact me at the number or email below.