Asbestos has been used in many applications over the year. Asbestos use and production reached an all-time high in the late 70’s. Many of those products are still in the buildings around us. Before any demolition, maintenance or repair is performed on a building, a survey must be performed and any workers who may disturb possible asbestos containing material must have awareness training. This course will help you learn about the health hazards associated with asbestos, how you are exposed and what building products are most likely to contain asbestos.
Integrity Safety Online
Asbestos Awareness Training
This course takes approximately 3 hours to complete.
Before any demolition, maintenance or repair is performed on a building, a survey must be performed and any workers who may disturb possible asbestos containing material must have awareness training. This course will help you learn about the health hazards associated with asbestos, how you are exposed and what building products are most likely to contain asbestos.
Category: Integrity Safety Online